Testimonials > Ankle Pain

I am an event organiser and very busy in my business. One year back I had an injury on my ankle. Since then this injury was troubling me a lot. I was not able to perform my commitments since pain was affecting my physical stamina. Orthopedic Surgeon advised me steroids injections to be given in the affected site. I was hesitant of it because of creating one more injury at already injured site as well as creating thinning of bone around the site of injection in later life. I preferred oral pills but they were just pain relievers which did not work long. Dr.Aggarwal strongly advised me Acupuncture. But due to my overbusy schedule, I could not start treatment. Ultimately, my pain started increasing and I could no longer carry on with it. Dr.M.S.Aggarwal gave me Acupuncture with blood letting therapy. It worked magically in my case. Just four sittings cured me of my pain. It is more than 6 mths. now and I am still painless. Really, I must thank Dr.M.S.Aggarwal by the core of my heart, who has cured my sickness.


Tarvinder Singh

Ph.: 9891171110


Dr. Madhusudan Aggarwal
M.B.B.S, D.N.B. (M.D), Dip. Acup. (Beijing)
On Panel : Embassy of U.S.A, France & Germany
Mobile: 9810052953
Clinic : 011-32971358
E-mail : dr_msagg@yahoo.com, doc.madhusudan@gmail.com
Web :www.acupuncturedelhi.com


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