Testimonials > Headache

Discovering I was pregnant filled me with joy. Finding out I was carrying twins took me by surprise, especially when the obstetrician declared I was high risk due to the twins and my age, and warned me to expect more severe symptoms than in a singleton pregnancy and focused on highlighting the complications that may occur, and even prescribed (unwanted) medications.

 At only 7 weeks pregnant, I knew I would be hearing such negative comments for a long time, and it is hard not to let it affect you. Determined to enjoy my pregnancy, I need to ensure I am giving my body, mind and spirit every chance to nurture these babies – the stronger and more confident I become in believing in my body’s ability to manage this pregnancy the better equipped I am handle the obstetricians and healthcare providers who view twins and age as problems waiting to happen. I refuse to let others fears define the frontiers of my pregnancy, when all pregnancies are unique. Acupuncture is an important part of my plan.

However, the science seemed convincing, two babies, double the amount of hormones equals double the amount of nausea and associated hormonal complaints – could acupuncture really help me? But thanks to Dr Aggarwal’s experience and expertise I have not had any pregnancy problems or discomforts. The one time I started to feel nauseous was when I missed two sessions! I trust his abilities.

Every aspect of myself and my babies tested at the 12 weeks’ scan received top marks – in particular fetal growth and intrauterine blood flow recorded such good results they were off the scale.  What’s more, the healthcare providers are finally starting to believe that this pregnancy is proceeding better than is expected with singletons, and with a mother in better health than a 15year old! They now ask me about acupuncture, because the results are astounding.  – AH (UK )


I, Akanksha Sharda had problem of Migraine for the last 12 years. It used to be very severe once every 3 weeks. This pain used to make me highly sensitive for light and was also accompanied with  nausea and vomiting.

After taking 20 sittings of acupuncture I feel substantial relief in my pain. I am thankful to Dr.Madhusudan .

Akanksha Sharda




I am owner of a software company with many software professionals in my company and lot of mental over burden. Slowly I started noticing that I was suffering from awkward symptoms. I could not understand what was going on. I took allopathic drugs but could not get relief. Dr.M.S.Aggarwal diagnosed me mild Depression and started Acupuncture along with allopathic drugs under care of another specialist. After 20 sittings, I started getting positive response and after 30 sittings, I stated tapering my drugs off. I took no drug by the end of 40 sittings and by now I was feeling normal. I took 20 more sittings thus totaling 60 sittings and enjoying my normal mental health.

Acupuncture has brought me back to normal in very natural way without any side effects. Thanks to Dr. M.S. Aggarwal for letting me regain my health.

Nirmal Jain,
Ph: 9811048430



I am 21 years old girl with problem of recurring headache for the last 5 years. I used to get 4-5 times severe headache in one week. It used to be relieved only by drugs. Sleep could not relieve it. I was all the time dependant on pain relieving medicines.

My C.T. scan of head showed calcified granuloma. I was given medicines for 16 months. After I stopped the drugs, pain re appeared.

I was fed up with headache, when my uncle referred me to Dr.M.S.Aggarwal for acupuncture treatment.

After 21 sittings of acupuncture, frequency & severity of headache dropped down to 30-50%.

The pain was now at least 50% less frequent. Also , whenever pain appeared, for more than two third times it did not require any medicine and disappeared by itself. It was really amazing. Also my depressed feelings and irritability lessened by more than 50%.

I am thankful to Dr. M.S.Aggarwal for his hard work put on me.

S-411, Mangolpuri,
Delhi, INDIA
Ph.: 27910157



Dr. Madhusudan Aggarwal
M.B.B.S, D.N.B. (M.D), Dip. Acup. (Beijing)
On Panel : Embassy of U.S.A, France & Germany
Mobile: 9810052953
Clinic : +91 8383050643
E-mail : 1947.madhu@gmail.com


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