Testimonials > Paralysis - Half sided

Paralysis – Half sided

I am Sitara Khan 60 yrs. old female and live in Delhi. In the month of April 2011 I felt sudden weakness of left side of my body. Immediately I was rushed to Baba Saheb Ambedkar Hospital in Rohini where I developed complete paralysis of left side of my body. Since I was diabetic and hypertensive I was told that recovery will be a difficult task and complete recovery may not occur. I was diagnosed a case of "Cerebral Infarction".

I did not waste my days and within a week went to Dr.M.S.Aggarwal for acupuncture treatment. He gave me 20 sittings of acupuncture treatment and now I am fully cured. I can walk and run. I can use my left arm. I can use my wrist and fingers also. I got marvelous improvement.

Sitara Khan
Ph.: 9350958976



I am from Nigeria and came in contact with Dr.Madhusudan Aggarwal on 2nd Aug 2011 through recommendation of Dr.Aseem Dewan, who is my personal physician in Delhi.
I went to Dr.Aggarwal as stroke patient for my weakness of one half of my body.

The treatment covered acupuncture which he started immediately. I noticed a lot of relief and  improvement after 30 sittings of treatment. The relief resulted as
1.Self support in walking
2. Going down and coming up the staircase (Ten Steps) of the clinic in basement without any assistance or support from anybody.
3. Brushing my teeth using my affected right hand (Previously I was unable use it )

I honestly appreciate the doctor and his staff for his consistency, reception and total dedication to the cause of patients.



(Nigerian visitor)




Dr. Madhusudan Aggarwal
M.B.B.S, D.N.B. (M.D), Dip. Acup. (Beijing)
On Panel : Embassy of U.S.A, France & Germany
Mobile: 9810052953
Clinic : 011-32971358
E-mail : dr_msagg@yahoo.com, doc.madhusudan@gmail.com
Web :www.acupuncturedelhi.com


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