Testimonials > Indigestion

I am Rohana Kohli 32 yrs old and was suffering from following complaints which could not be relieved by gatroenterologists on sustained manner. After 25 sittings I got very good relief in practically all my symptoms in following way.

  1. Repeated distention of stomach. ----------------------------------  80 % Relief
  2. Painful soreness on the sides of tongue --------------------------  90% Relief
  3. Intolerance to spicy foods ------------------------------------------  40 % Relief
  4. Skin – always dry ---------------------------------------------------   50 % Relief
  5. Yellowish complexion, well noticed by onlookers -------------   90 % Relief
  6. Disturbed sleep throughout night ----------------------------------   80 % Relief
  7. Lethargy ---------------------------------------------------------------   70 % Relief
  8. Headaches -------------------------------------------------------------   70 % Relief
  9. Laziness ---------------------------------------------------------------    80 % Relief
  10. Dry hard stools and incomplete bowel movements -------------    80 % Relief
  11. Excessive thirst ------------------------------------------------------     80 % Relief 

I am highly satisfied by the treatment

Rohana Kohli
Ph.:  98107-22662



Dr. Madhusudan Aggarwal
M.B.B.S, D.N.B. (M.D), Dip. Acup. (Beijing)
On Panel : Embassy of U.S.A, France & Germany
Mobile: 9810052953
Clinic : +91 8383050643
E-mail : 1947.madhu@gmail.com


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