Testimonials > Multiple Sclerosis

Mr.Anand Raj 42 yrs old male was suffering from Multiple Sclerosis. He underwent acupuncture from Dr.Madhusudan Aggarwal at Uma Sanjeevani Center at DLF, Gurgaon. At the end he stated his status as :

  1. No more double vision now
  2. Limping has decreased appreciably
  3. Feel much more balanced on standing and walking
  4. Much improved walking.
  5. Can walk for long distances now.
  6. No muascle spasm in legs now.
  7. Slurred speech has improved effectively


Mobile no.  9999984552
Email:  anandraj_lv@yahoo.com



Delaware, USA
Ph.: 215-687-4868





Dr. Madhusudan Aggarwal
M.B.B.S, D.N.B. (M.D), Dip. Acup. (Beijing)
On Panel : Embassy of U.S.A, France & Germany
Mobile: 9810052953
Clinic : +91 8383050643
E-mail : 1947.madhu@gmail.com


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