Testimonials > Vestibulopathy

Vestibulopathy – Drug Induced

Mr.M.S.Aithani, 75 yrs. Old retired academician was suffering from Liver abscess for which he was given Inj.Gentamycin in Jan.2011. During the course of Gentamycin he stated feeling lot of giddiness and repeated falls. He went to Dr.Uday Shankar Sharma D.M.(Neurology) who diagnosed it Gentamucin induced Vestibulopathy and advised to immediately discontinue this drug.

He took various medicines for vestibulopathy whatever was advised by specialist but could not improve.

In June 2011, he came to our cilic at Rohini for acupuncture.

At that time he was in bad condition with following symptoms:

  1. He was unable to walk even 2 steps without support and holding of another person.
  2. He had severe giddiness on changing of position of head or body posture
  3. He could not use Indian toilet seat since forward bending used to cause forward fall.
  4. He could not sit on floor or low stool during bath because of repeated falls.
  5. He was forced to sit on chair with erect posture for bath.
  6. On standing he used to feel extensively shaky surroundings.

After 30 sittings of acupuncture, he noticed wonderful improvement in his condition in following way:

  1. Improved by 60%
  2. Completely cured
  3. Completely cured
  4. Completely cured
  5. Completely cured
  6. Improved by 50%

He was highly satisfied by the treatment.

Ph.: 011-27045788




Dr. Madhusudan Aggarwal
M.B.B.S, D.N.B. (M.D), Dip. Acup. (Beijing)
On Panel : Embassy of U.S.A, France & Germany
Mobile: 9810052953
Clinic : +91 8383050643
E-mail : 1947.madhu@gmail.com


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